OTP builds to 1.15 Changelog entry Ensure policies are fully loaded Fix :warn use main branch for linkify Fix warn in tests Migrations for phoenix 1.17 Revert "Migrations for phoenix 1.17" This reverts commit 6a3b2f15b74ea5e33150529385215b7a531f3999. Oban upgrade Add default empty whitelist mix format limit test to amd64 OTP 26 tests for 1.15 use OTP_VERSION tag baka just 1.15 Massive deps update Update locale, deps Mix format shell???? multiline??? ? max cases 1 use assert_recieve don't put_env in async tests don't async conn/fs tests mix format FIx some uploader issues Fix tests
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# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
# Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ConversationControllerTest do
use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase, async: false
alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
import Pleroma.Factory
setup do: oauth_access(["read:statuses"])
describe "returns a list of conversations" do
setup(%{user: user_one, conn: conn}) do
user_two = insert(:user)
user_three = insert(:user)
{:ok, user_two, user_one} = User.follow(user_two, user_one)
{:ok, %{user: user_one, user_two: user_two, user_three: user_three, conn: conn}}
test "returns correct conversations", %{
user: user_one,
user_two: user_two,
user_three: user_three,
conn: conn
} do
assert Participation.unread_count(user_two) == 0
{:ok, direct} = create_direct_message(user_one, [user_two, user_three])
assert Participation.unread_count(user_two) == 1
{:ok, _follower_only} =
CommonAPI.post(user_one, %{
status: "Hi @#{user_two.nickname}!",
visibility: "private"
res_conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/conversations")
assert response = json_response_and_validate_schema(res_conn, 200)
assert [
"id" => res_id,
"accounts" => res_accounts,
"last_status" => res_last_status,
"unread" => unread
] = response
account_ids = Enum.map(res_accounts, & &1["id"])
assert length(res_accounts) == 2
assert user_one.id not in account_ids
assert user_two.id in account_ids
assert user_three.id in account_ids
assert is_binary(res_id)
assert unread == false
assert res_last_status["id"] == direct.id
assert res_last_status["account"]["id"] == user_one.id
assert Participation.unread_count(user_one) == 0
test "includes the user if the user is the only participant", %{
user: user_one,
conn: conn
} do
{:ok, _direct} = create_direct_message(user_one, [])
res_conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/conversations")
assert response = json_response_and_validate_schema(res_conn, 200)
assert [
"accounts" => [account]
] = response
assert user_one.id == account["id"]
test "observes limit params", %{
user: user_one,
user_two: user_two,
user_three: user_three,
conn: conn
} do
{:ok, _} = create_direct_message(user_one, [user_two, user_three])
{:ok, _} = create_direct_message(user_two, [user_one, user_three])
{:ok, _} = create_direct_message(user_three, [user_two, user_one])
res_conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/conversations?limit=1")
assert response = json_response_and_validate_schema(res_conn, 200)
assert Enum.count(response) == 1
res_conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/conversations?limit=2")
assert response = json_response_and_validate_schema(res_conn, 200)
assert Enum.count(response) == 2
test "filters conversations by recipients", %{user: user_one, conn: conn} do
user_two = insert(:user)
user_three = insert(:user)
{:ok, direct1} = create_direct_message(user_one, [user_two])
{:ok, _direct2} = create_direct_message(user_one, [user_three])
{:ok, direct3} = create_direct_message(user_one, [user_two, user_three])
{:ok, _direct4} = create_direct_message(user_two, [user_three])
{:ok, direct5} = create_direct_message(user_two, [user_one])
assert [conversation1, conversation2] =
|> get("/api/v1/conversations?recipients[]=#{user_two.id}")
|> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
assert conversation1["last_status"]["id"] == direct5.id
assert conversation2["last_status"]["id"] == direct1.id
[conversation1] =
|> get("/api/v1/conversations?recipients[]=#{user_two.id}&recipients[]=#{user_three.id}")
|> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
assert conversation1["last_status"]["id"] == direct3.id
test "updates the last_status on reply", %{user: user_one, conn: conn} do
user_two = insert(:user)
{:ok, direct} = create_direct_message(user_one, [user_two])
{:ok, direct_reply} =
CommonAPI.post(user_two, %{
status: "reply",
visibility: "direct",
in_reply_to_status_id: direct.id
[%{"last_status" => res_last_status}] =
|> get("/api/v1/conversations")
|> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
assert res_last_status["id"] == direct_reply.id
test "the user marks a conversation as read", %{user: user_one, conn: conn} do
user_two = insert(:user)
{:ok, direct} = create_direct_message(user_one, [user_two])
assert Participation.unread_count(user_one) == 0
assert Participation.unread_count(user_two) == 1
user_two_conn =
|> assign(:user, user_two)
|> assign(
insert(:oauth_token, user: user_two, scopes: ["read:statuses", "write:conversations"])
[%{"id" => direct_conversation_id, "unread" => true}] =
|> get("/api/v1/conversations")
|> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
%{"unread" => false} =
|> post("/api/v1/conversations/#{direct_conversation_id}/read")
|> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
assert Participation.unread_count(user_one) == 0
assert Participation.unread_count(user_two) == 0
# The conversation is marked as unread on reply
{:ok, _} =
CommonAPI.post(user_two, %{
status: "reply",
visibility: "direct",
in_reply_to_status_id: direct.id
[%{"unread" => true}] =
|> get("/api/v1/conversations")
|> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
assert Participation.unread_count(user_one) == 1
assert Participation.unread_count(user_two) == 0
# A reply doesn't increment the user's unread_conversation_count if the conversation is unread
{:ok, _} =
CommonAPI.post(user_two, %{
status: "reply",
visibility: "direct",
in_reply_to_status_id: direct.id
assert Participation.unread_count(user_one) == 1
assert Participation.unread_count(user_two) == 0
test "(vanilla) Mastodon frontend behaviour", %{user: user_one, conn: conn} do
user_two = insert(:user)
{:ok, direct} = create_direct_message(user_one, [user_two])
res_conn = get(conn, "/api/v1/statuses/#{direct.id}/context")
assert %{"ancestors" => [], "descendants" => []} ==
json_response_and_validate_schema(res_conn, 200)
test "Removes a conversation", %{user: user_one, conn: conn} do
user_two = insert(:user)
token = insert(:oauth_token, user: user_one, scopes: ["read:statuses", "write:conversations"])
{:ok, _direct} = create_direct_message(user_one, [user_two])
{:ok, _direct} = create_direct_message(user_one, [user_two])
assert [%{"id" => conv1_id}, %{"id" => conv2_id}] =
|> assign(:token, token)
|> get("/api/v1/conversations")
|> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
assert %{} =
|> assign(:token, token)
|> delete("/api/v1/conversations/#{conv1_id}")
|> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
assert [%{"id" => ^conv2_id}] =
|> assign(:token, token)
|> get("/api/v1/conversations")
|> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
defp create_direct_message(sender, recips) do
hellos =
|> Enum.map(fn s -> "@#{s.nickname}" end)
|> Enum.join(", ")
CommonAPI.post(sender, %{
status: "Hi #{hellos}!",
visibility: "direct"