defmodule Pleroma.Docs.Generator do @callback process(keyword()) :: {:ok, String.t()} @spec process(module(), keyword()) :: {:ok, String.t()} def process(implementation, descriptions) do implementation.process(descriptions) end @spec list_modules_in_dir(String.t(), String.t()) :: [module()] def list_modules_in_dir(dir, start) do with {:ok, files} <- do files |> Enum.filter(&String.ends_with?(&1, ".ex")) |> filename -> module = filename |> String.trim_trailing(".ex") |> Macro.camelize() String.to_existing_atom(start <> module) end) end end @doc """ Converts: - atoms to strings with leading `:` - module names to strings, without leading `Elixir.` - add humanized labels to `keys` if label is not defined, e.g. `:instance` -> `Instance` """ @spec convert_to_strings([map()]) :: [map()] def convert_to_strings(descriptions) do, &format_entity(&1)) end defp format_entity(entity) do entity |> format_key() |> Map.put(:group, atom_to_string(entity[:group])) |> format_children() end defp format_key(%{key: key} = entity) do entity |> Map.put(:key, atom_to_string(key)) |> Map.put(:label, entity[:label] || humanize(key)) end defp format_key(%{group: group} = entity) do Map.put(entity, :label, entity[:label] || humanize(group)) end defp format_key(entity), do: entity defp format_children(%{children: children} = entity) do Map.put(entity, :children,, &format_child(&1))) end defp format_children(entity), do: entity defp format_child(%{suggestions: suggestions} = entity) do entity |> Map.put(:suggestions, format_suggestions(suggestions)) |> format_key() |> format_group() |> format_children() end defp format_child(entity) do entity |> format_key() |> format_group() |> format_children() end defp format_group(%{group: group} = entity) do Map.put(entity, :group, format_suggestion(group)) end defp format_group(entity), do: entity defp atom_to_string(entity) when is_binary(entity), do: entity defp atom_to_string(entity) when is_atom(entity), do: inspect(entity) defp humanize(entity) do string = inspect(entity) if String.starts_with?(string, ":"), do: Phoenix.Naming.humanize(entity), else: string end defp format_suggestions([]), do: [] defp format_suggestions([suggestion | tail]) do [format_suggestion(suggestion) | format_suggestions(tail)] end defp format_suggestion(entity) when is_atom(entity) do atom_to_string(entity) end defp format_suggestion([head | tail] = entity) when is_list(entity) do [format_suggestion(head) | format_suggestions(tail)] end defp format_suggestion(entity) when is_tuple(entity) do format_suggestions(Tuple.to_list(entity)) |> List.to_tuple() end defp format_suggestion(entity), do: entity end defimpl Jason.Encoder, for: Tuple do def encode(tuple, opts), do: Jason.Encode.list(Tuple.to_list(tuple), opts) end defimpl Jason.Encoder, for: [Regex, Function] do def encode(term, opts), do: Jason.Encode.string(inspect(term), opts) end defimpl String.Chars, for: Regex do def to_string(term), do: inspect(term) end