# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.TwitterCard do alias Pleroma.User alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy alias Pleroma.Web.Metadata alias Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Providers.Provider alias Pleroma.Web.Metadata.Utils @behaviour Provider @media_types ["image", "audio", "video"] @impl Provider def build_tags(%{activity_id: id, object: object, user: user}) do attachments = build_attachments(id, object) scrubbed_content = Utils.scrub_html_and_truncate(object) [ title_tag(user), {:meta, [property: "twitter:description", content: scrubbed_content], []} ] ++ if attachments == [] or Metadata.activity_nsfw?(object) do [ image_tag(user), {:meta, [property: "twitter:card", content: "summary"], []} ] else attachments end end @impl Provider def build_tags(%{user: user}) do with truncated_bio = Utils.scrub_html_and_truncate(user.bio) do [ title_tag(user), {:meta, [property: "twitter:description", content: truncated_bio], []}, image_tag(user), {:meta, [property: "twitter:card", content: "summary"], []} ] end end defp title_tag(user) do {:meta, [property: "twitter:title", content: Utils.user_name_string(user)], []} end def image_tag(user) do {:meta, [property: "twitter:image", content: MediaProxy.preview_url(User.avatar_url(user))], []} end defp build_attachments(id, %{data: %{"attachment" => attachments}}) do Enum.reduce(attachments, [], fn attachment, acc -> rendered_tags = Enum.reduce(attachment["url"], [], fn url, acc -> case Utils.fetch_media_type(@media_types, url["mediaType"]) do "audio" -> [ {:meta, [property: "twitter:card", content: "player"], []}, {:meta, [property: "twitter:player:width", content: "480"], []}, {:meta, [property: "twitter:player:height", content: "80"], []}, {:meta, [property: "twitter:player", content: player_url(id)], []} | acc ] # Not using preview_url for this. It saves bandwidth, but the image dimensions will be wrong. # We generate it on the fly and have no way to capture or analyze the image to get the dimensions. # This can be an issue for apps/FEs rendering images in timelines too, but you can get clever with # the aspect ratio metadata as a workaround. "image" -> [ {:meta, [property: "twitter:card", content: "summary_large_image"], []}, {:meta, [ property: "twitter:player", content: MediaProxy.url(url["href"]) ], []} | acc ] |> maybe_add_dimensions(url) "video" -> # fallback to old placeholder values height = url["height"] || 480 width = url["width"] || 480 [ {:meta, [property: "twitter:card", content: "player"], []}, {:meta, [property: "twitter:player", content: player_url(id)], []}, {:meta, [property: "twitter:player:width", content: "#{width}"], []}, {:meta, [property: "twitter:player:height", content: "#{height}"], []}, {:meta, [property: "twitter:player:stream", content: MediaProxy.url(url["href"])], []}, {:meta, [property: "twitter:player:stream:content_type", content: url["mediaType"]], []} | acc ] _ -> acc end end) acc ++ rendered_tags end) end defp build_attachments(_id, _object), do: [] defp player_url(id) do Pleroma.Web.Router.Helpers.o_status_url(Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :notice_player, id) end # Videos have problems without dimensions, but we used to not provide WxH for images. # A default (read: incorrect) fallback for images is likely to cause rendering bugs. defp maybe_add_dimensions(metadata, url) do cond do !is_nil(url["height"]) && !is_nil(url["width"]) -> metadata ++ [ {:meta, [property: "twitter:player:width", content: "#{url["width"]}"], []}, {:meta, [property: "twitter:player:height", content: "#{url["height"]}"], []} ] true -> metadata end end end