[] OAuth scope checking in Streaming API.

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Tashkinov 2020-09-19 19:16:55 +03:00
parent 6c052bd5b6
commit 60b025b782
7 changed files with 332 additions and 183 deletions

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def drop_auth_info(conn) do
|> assign(:token, nil)
@doc "Filters descendants of supported scopes"
@doc "Keeps those of `scopes` which are descendants of `supported_scopes`"
def filter_descendants(scopes, supported_scopes) do

View file

@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ def init(%{qs: qs} = req, state) do
with params <- Enum.into(:cow_qs.parse_qs(qs), %{}),
sec_websocket <- :cowboy_req.header("sec-websocket-protocol", req, nil),
access_token <- Map.get(params, "access_token"),
{:ok, user} <- authenticate_request(access_token, sec_websocket),
{:ok, topic} <- Streamer.get_topic(Map.get(params, "stream"), user, params) do
{:ok, user, oauth_token} <- authenticate_request(access_token, sec_websocket),
{:ok, topic} <- Streamer.get_topic(params["stream"], user, oauth_token, params) do
req =
if sec_websocket do
:cowboy_req.set_resp_header("sec-websocket-protocol", sec_websocket, req)
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ def terminate(reason, _req, state) do
# Public streams without authentication.
defp authenticate_request(nil, nil) do
{:ok, nil}
{:ok, nil, nil}
# Authenticated streams.
@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ defp authenticate_request(access_token, sec_websocket) do
token = access_token || sec_websocket
with true <- is_bitstring(token),
%Token{user_id: user_id} <- Repo.get_by(Token, token: token),
oauth_token = %Token{user_id: user_id} <- Repo.get_by(Token, token: token),
user = %User{} <- User.get_cached_by_id(user_id) do
{:ok, user}
{:ok, user, oauth_token}
_ -> {:error, :unauthorized}

View file

@ -11,10 +11,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Streamer do
alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
alias Pleroma.Notification
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.Plugs.OAuthScopesPlug
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Visibility
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token
alias Pleroma.Web.StreamerView
@mix_env Mix.env()
@ -26,53 +28,87 @@ def registry, do: @registry
@user_streams ["user", "user:notification", "direct", "user:pleroma_chat"]
@doc "Expands and authorizes a stream, and registers the process for streaming."
@spec get_topic_and_add_socket(stream :: String.t(), User.t() | nil, Map.t() | nil) ::
@spec get_topic_and_add_socket(
stream :: String.t(),
User.t() | nil,
Token.t() | nil,
Map.t() | nil
) ::
{:ok, topic :: String.t()} | {:error, :bad_topic} | {:error, :unauthorized}
def get_topic_and_add_socket(stream, user, params \\ %{}) do
case get_topic(stream, user, params) do
def get_topic_and_add_socket(stream, user, oauth_token, params \\ %{}) do
case get_topic(stream, user, oauth_token, params) do
{:ok, topic} -> add_socket(topic, user)
error -> error
@doc "Expand and authorizes a stream"
@spec get_topic(stream :: String.t(), User.t() | nil, Map.t()) ::
@spec get_topic(stream :: String.t(), User.t() | nil, Token.t() | nil, Map.t()) ::
{:ok, topic :: String.t()} | {:error, :bad_topic}
def get_topic(stream, user, params \\ %{})
def get_topic(stream, user, oauth_token, params \\ %{})
# Allow all public steams.
def get_topic(stream, _, _) when stream in @public_streams do
def get_topic(stream, _user, _oauth_token, _params) when stream in @public_streams do
{:ok, stream}
# Allow all hashtags streams.
def get_topic("hashtag", _, %{"tag" => tag}) do
def get_topic("hashtag", _user, _oauth_token, %{"tag" => tag} = _params) do
{:ok, "hashtag:" <> tag}
# Expand user streams.
def get_topic(stream, %User{} = user, _) when stream in @user_streams do
{:ok, stream <> ":" <> to_string(user.id)}
def get_topic(
%User{id: user_id} = user,
%Token{user_id: token_user_id} = oauth_token,
when stream in @user_streams and user_id == token_user_id do
# Note: "read" works for all user streams (not mentioning it since it's an ancestor scope)
required_scopes =
if stream == "user:notification" do
if OAuthScopesPlug.filter_descendants(required_scopes, oauth_token.scopes) == [] do
{:error, :unauthorized}
{:ok, stream <> ":" <> to_string(user.id)}
def get_topic(stream, _, _) when stream in @user_streams do
def get_topic(stream, _user, _oauth_token, _params) when stream in @user_streams do
{:error, :unauthorized}
# List streams.
def get_topic("list", %User{} = user, %{"list" => id}) do
if Pleroma.List.get(id, user) do
{:ok, "list:" <> to_string(id)}
{:error, :bad_topic}
def get_topic(
%User{id: user_id} = user,
%Token{user_id: token_user_id} = oauth_token,
%{"list" => id}
when user_id == token_user_id do
cond do
OAuthScopesPlug.filter_descendants(["read", "read:lists"], oauth_token.scopes) == [] ->
{:error, :unauthorized}
Pleroma.List.get(id, user) ->
{:ok, "list:" <> to_string(id)}
true ->
{:error, :bad_topic}
def get_topic("list", _, _) do
def get_topic("list", _user, _oauth_token, _params) do
{:error, :unauthorized}
def get_topic(_, _, _) do
def get_topic(_stream, _user, _oauth_token, _params) do
{:error, :bad_topic}

View file

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ test "receives well formatted events" do
OAuth.App.register_changeset(%OAuth.App{}, %{
client_name: "client",
scopes: ["scope"],
scopes: ["read"],
redirect_uris: "url"

View file

@ -179,17 +179,19 @@ test "does not create a notification for subscribed users if status is a reply"
describe "create_notification" do
@tag needs_streamer: true
test "it creates a notification for user and send to the 'user' and the 'user:notification' stream" do
user = insert(:user)
%{user: user, token: oauth_token} = oauth_access(["read"])
task =
Task.async(fn ->
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user)
{:ok, _topic} = Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user, oauth_token)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, _}, 4_000
task_user_notification =
Task.async(fn ->
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user)
{:ok, _topic} =
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user, oauth_token)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, _}, 4_000

View file

@ -27,6 +27,21 @@ defmodule Pleroma.DataCase do
import Ecto.Query
import Pleroma.DataCase
use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
# Sets up OAuth access with specified scopes
defp oauth_access(scopes, opts \\ []) do
user =
Keyword.get_lazy(opts, :user, fn ->
token =
Keyword.get_lazy(opts, :oauth_token, fn ->
Pleroma.Factory.insert(:oauth_token, user: user, scopes: scopes)
%{user: user, token: token}

View file

@ -21,92 +21,148 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.StreamerTest do
setup do: clear_config([:instance, :skip_thread_containment])
describe "get_topic without an user" do
describe "get_topic/_ (unauthenticated)" do
test "allows public" do
assert {:ok, "public"} = Streamer.get_topic("public", nil)
assert {:ok, "public:local"} = Streamer.get_topic("public:local", nil)
assert {:ok, "public:media"} = Streamer.get_topic("public:media", nil)
assert {:ok, "public:local:media"} = Streamer.get_topic("public:local:media", nil)
assert {:ok, "public"} = Streamer.get_topic("public", nil, nil)
assert {:ok, "public:local"} = Streamer.get_topic("public:local", nil, nil)
assert {:ok, "public:media"} = Streamer.get_topic("public:media", nil, nil)
assert {:ok, "public:local:media"} = Streamer.get_topic("public:local:media", nil, nil)
test "allows hashtag streams" do
assert {:ok, "hashtag:cofe"} = Streamer.get_topic("hashtag", nil, %{"tag" => "cofe"})
assert {:ok, "hashtag:cofe"} = Streamer.get_topic("hashtag", nil, nil, %{"tag" => "cofe"})
test "disallows user streams" do
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("user", nil)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("user:notification", nil)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("direct", nil)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("user", nil, nil)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("user:notification", nil, nil)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("direct", nil, nil)
test "disallows list streams" do
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("list", nil, %{"list" => 42})
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("list", nil, nil, %{"list" => 42})
describe "get_topic with an user" do
setup do
user = insert(:user)
{:ok, %{user: user}}
describe "get_topic/_ (authenticated)" do
setup do: oauth_access(["read"])
test "allows public streams (regardless of OAuth token scopes)", %{
user: user,
token: read_oauth_token
} do
with oauth_token <- [nil, read_oauth_token] do
assert {:ok, "public"} = Streamer.get_topic("public", user, oauth_token)
assert {:ok, "public:local"} = Streamer.get_topic("public:local", user, oauth_token)
assert {:ok, "public:media"} = Streamer.get_topic("public:media", user, oauth_token)
assert {:ok, "public:local:media"} =
Streamer.get_topic("public:local:media", user, oauth_token)
test "allows public streams", %{user: user} do
assert {:ok, "public"} = Streamer.get_topic("public", user)
assert {:ok, "public:local"} = Streamer.get_topic("public:local", user)
assert {:ok, "public:media"} = Streamer.get_topic("public:media", user)
assert {:ok, "public:local:media"} = Streamer.get_topic("public:local:media", user)
test "allows user streams (with proper OAuth token scopes)", %{
user: user,
token: read_oauth_token
} do
%{token: read_notifications_token} = oauth_access(["read:notifications"], user: user)
%{token: read_statuses_token} = oauth_access(["read:statuses"], user: user)
%{token: badly_scoped_token} = oauth_access(["irrelevant:scope"], user: user)
test "allows user streams", %{user: user} do
expected_user_topic = "user:#{user.id}"
expected_notif_topic = "user:notification:#{user.id}"
expected_notification_topic = "user:notification:#{user.id}"
expected_direct_topic = "direct:#{user.id}"
assert {:ok, ^expected_user_topic} = Streamer.get_topic("user", user)
assert {:ok, ^expected_notif_topic} = Streamer.get_topic("user:notification", user)
assert {:ok, ^expected_direct_topic} = Streamer.get_topic("direct", user)
expected_pleroma_chat_topic = "user:pleroma_chat:#{user.id}"
for valid_user_token <- [read_oauth_token, read_statuses_token] do
assert {:ok, ^expected_user_topic} = Streamer.get_topic("user", user, valid_user_token)
assert {:ok, ^expected_direct_topic} =
Streamer.get_topic("direct", user, valid_user_token)
assert {:ok, ^expected_pleroma_chat_topic} =
Streamer.get_topic("user:pleroma_chat", user, valid_user_token)
for invalid_user_token <- [read_notifications_token, badly_scoped_token],
user_topic <- ["user", "direct", "user:pleroma_chat"] do
assert {:error, :unauthorized} = Streamer.get_topic(user_topic, user, invalid_user_token)
for valid_notification_token <- [read_oauth_token, read_notifications_token] do
assert {:ok, ^expected_notification_topic} =
Streamer.get_topic("user:notification", user, valid_notification_token)
for invalid_notification_token <- [read_statuses_token, badly_scoped_token] do
assert {:error, :unauthorized} =
Streamer.get_topic("user:notification", user, invalid_notification_token)
test "allows hashtag streams", %{user: user} do
assert {:ok, "hashtag:cofe"} = Streamer.get_topic("hashtag", user, %{"tag" => "cofe"})
test "allows hashtag streams (regardless of OAuth token scopes)", %{
user: user,
token: read_oauth_token
} do
for oauth_token <- [nil, read_oauth_token] do
assert {:ok, "hashtag:cofe"} =
Streamer.get_topic("hashtag", user, oauth_token, %{"tag" => "cofe"})
test "disallows registering to an user stream", %{user: user} do
test "disallows registering to another user's stream", %{user: user, token: read_oauth_token} do
another_user = insert(:user)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("user:#{another_user.id}", user)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("user:notification:#{another_user.id}", user)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("direct:#{another_user.id}", user)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("user:#{another_user.id}", user, read_oauth_token)
assert {:error, _} =
Streamer.get_topic("user:notification:#{another_user.id}", user, read_oauth_token)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("direct:#{another_user.id}", user, read_oauth_token)
test "allows list stream that are owned by the user", %{user: user} do
test "allows list stream that are owned by the user (with `read` or `read:lists` scopes)", %{
user: user,
token: read_oauth_token
} do
%{token: read_lists_token} = oauth_access(["read:lists"], user: user)
%{token: invalid_token} = oauth_access(["irrelevant:scope"], user: user)
{:ok, list} = List.create("Test", user)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("list:#{list.id}", user)
assert {:ok, _} = Streamer.get_topic("list", user, %{"list" => list.id})
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("list:#{list.id}", user, read_oauth_token)
for valid_token <- [read_oauth_token, read_lists_token] do
assert {:ok, _} = Streamer.get_topic("list", user, valid_token, %{"list" => list.id})
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("list", user, invalid_token, %{"list" => list.id})
test "disallows list stream that are not owned by the user", %{user: user} do
test "disallows list stream that are not owned by the user", %{user: user, token: oauth_token} do
another_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, list} = List.create("Test", another_user)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("list:#{list.id}", user)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("list", user, %{"list" => list.id})
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("list:#{list.id}", user, oauth_token)
assert {:error, _} = Streamer.get_topic("list", user, oauth_token, %{"list" => list.id})
describe "user streams" do
setup do
user = insert(:user)
%{user: user, token: token} = oauth_access(["read"])
notify = insert(:notification, user: user, activity: build(:note_activity))
{:ok, %{user: user, notify: notify}}
{:ok, %{user: user, notify: notify, token: token}}
test "it streams the user's post in the 'user' stream", %{user: user} do
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user)
test "it streams the user's post in the 'user' stream", %{user: user, token: oauth_token} do
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user, oauth_token)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "hey"})
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, ^activity}
refute Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user, activity)
test "it streams boosts of the user in the 'user' stream", %{user: user} do
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user)
test "it streams boosts of the user in the 'user' stream", %{user: user, token: oauth_token} do
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user, oauth_token)
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{status: "hey"})
@ -117,9 +173,10 @@ test "it streams boosts of the user in the 'user' stream", %{user: user} do
test "it does not stream announces of the user's own posts in the 'user' stream", %{
user: user
user: user,
token: oauth_token
} do
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user, oauth_token)
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "hey"})
@ -129,9 +186,10 @@ test "it does not stream announces of the user's own posts in the 'user' stream"
test "it does stream notifications announces of the user's own posts in the 'user' stream", %{
user: user
user: user,
token: oauth_token
} do
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user, oauth_token)
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "hey"})
@ -145,8 +203,11 @@ test "it does stream notifications announces of the user's own posts in the 'use
refute Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user, notification)
test "it streams boosts of mastodon user in the 'user' stream", %{user: user} do
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user)
test "it streams boosts of mastodon user in the 'user' stream", %{
user: user,
token: oauth_token
} do
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user, oauth_token)
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{status: "hey"})
@ -164,21 +225,34 @@ test "it streams boosts of mastodon user in the 'user' stream", %{user: user} do
refute Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user, announce)
test "it sends notify to in the 'user' stream", %{user: user, notify: notify} do
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user)
test "it sends notify to in the 'user' stream", %{
user: user,
token: oauth_token,
notify: notify
} do
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user, oauth_token)
Streamer.stream("user", notify)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, ^notify}
refute Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user, notify)
test "it sends notify to in the 'user:notification' stream", %{user: user, notify: notify} do
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user)
test "it sends notify to in the 'user:notification' stream", %{
user: user,
token: oauth_token,
notify: notify
} do
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user, oauth_token)
Streamer.stream("user:notification", notify)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, ^notify}
refute Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user, notify)
test "it sends chat messages to the 'user:pleroma_chat' stream", %{user: user} do
test "it sends chat messages to the 'user:pleroma_chat' stream", %{
user: user,
token: oauth_token
} do
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, create_activity} = CommonAPI.post_chat_message(other_user, user, "hey cirno")
@ -187,7 +261,7 @@ test "it sends chat messages to the 'user:pleroma_chat' stream", %{user: user} d
cm_ref = MessageReference.for_chat_and_object(chat, object)
cm_ref = %{cm_ref | chat: chat, object: object}
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:pleroma_chat", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:pleroma_chat", user, oauth_token)
Streamer.stream("user:pleroma_chat", {user, cm_ref})
text = StreamerView.render("chat_update.json", %{chat_message_reference: cm_ref})
@ -196,7 +270,7 @@ test "it sends chat messages to the 'user:pleroma_chat' stream", %{user: user} d
assert_receive {:text, ^text}
test "it sends chat messages to the 'user' stream", %{user: user} do
test "it sends chat messages to the 'user' stream", %{user: user, token: oauth_token} do
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, create_activity} = CommonAPI.post_chat_message(other_user, user, "hey cirno")
@ -205,7 +279,7 @@ test "it sends chat messages to the 'user' stream", %{user: user} do
cm_ref = MessageReference.for_chat_and_object(chat, object)
cm_ref = %{cm_ref | chat: chat, object: object}
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user, oauth_token)
Streamer.stream("user", {user, cm_ref})
text = StreamerView.render("chat_update.json", %{chat_message_reference: cm_ref})
@ -214,7 +288,10 @@ test "it sends chat messages to the 'user' stream", %{user: user} do
assert_receive {:text, ^text}
test "it sends chat message notifications to the 'user:notification' stream", %{user: user} do
test "it sends chat message notifications to the 'user:notification' stream", %{
user: user,
token: oauth_token
} do
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, create_activity} = CommonAPI.post_chat_message(other_user, user, "hey")
@ -223,19 +300,21 @@ test "it sends chat message notifications to the 'user:notification' stream", %{
Repo.get_by(Pleroma.Notification, user_id: user.id, activity_id: create_activity.id)
|> Repo.preload(:activity)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user, oauth_token)
Streamer.stream("user:notification", notify)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, ^notify}
refute Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user, notify)
test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream when a user is blocked", %{
user: user
user: user,
token: oauth_token
} do
blocked = insert(:user)
{:ok, _user_relationship} = User.block(user, blocked)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user, oauth_token)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: ":("})
{:ok, _} = CommonAPI.favorite(blocked, activity.id)
@ -244,14 +323,15 @@ test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream when a user is bl
test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream when a thread is muted", %{
user: user
user: user,
token: oauth_token
} do
user2 = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "super hot take"})
{:ok, _} = CommonAPI.add_mute(user, activity)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user, oauth_token)
{:ok, favorite_activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(user2, activity.id)
@ -260,12 +340,13 @@ test "it doesn't send notify to the 'user:notification' stream when a thread is
test "it sends favorite to 'user:notification' stream'", %{
user: user
user: user,
token: oauth_token
} do
user2 = insert(:user, %{ap_id: "https://hecking-lewd-place.com/user/meanie"})
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "super hot take"})
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user, oauth_token)
{:ok, favorite_activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(user2, activity.id)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, "notification.json", notif}
@ -274,13 +355,14 @@ test "it sends favorite to 'user:notification' stream'", %{
test "it doesn't send the 'user:notification' stream' when a domain is blocked", %{
user: user
user: user,
token: oauth_token
} do
user2 = insert(:user, %{ap_id: "https://hecking-lewd-place.com/user/meanie"})
{:ok, user} = User.block_domain(user, "hecking-lewd-place.com")
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "super hot take"})
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user, oauth_token)
{:ok, favorite_activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(user2, activity.id)
refute_receive _
@ -288,7 +370,8 @@ test "it doesn't send the 'user:notification' stream' when a domain is blocked",
test "it sends follow activities to the 'user:notification' stream", %{
user: user
user: user,
token: oauth_token
} do
user_url = user.ap_id
user2 = insert(:user)
@ -303,7 +386,7 @@ test "it sends follow activities to the 'user:notification' stream", %{
%Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: body}
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user:notification", user, oauth_token)
{:ok, _follower, _followed, follow_activity} = CommonAPI.follow(user2, user)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, "notification.json", notif}
@ -312,51 +395,53 @@ test "it sends follow activities to the 'user:notification' stream", %{
test "it sends to public authenticated" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
describe "public streams" do
test "it sends to public (authenticated)" do
%{user: user, token: oauth_token} = oauth_access(["read"])
other_user = insert(:user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", other_user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", user, oauth_token)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "Test"})
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, ^activity}
refute Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user, activity)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{status: "Test"})
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, ^activity}
refute Streamer.filtered_by_user?(other_user, activity)
test "it sends to public (unauthenticated)" do
user = insert(:user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", nil, nil)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "Test"})
activity_id = activity.id
assert_receive {:text, event}
assert %{"event" => "update", "payload" => payload} = Jason.decode!(event)
assert %{"id" => ^activity_id} = Jason.decode!(payload)
{:ok, _} = CommonAPI.delete(activity.id, user)
assert_receive {:text, event}
assert %{"event" => "delete", "payload" => ^activity_id} = Jason.decode!(event)
test "handles deletions" do
%{user: user, token: oauth_token} = oauth_access(["read"])
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{status: "Test"})
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", user, oauth_token)
{:ok, _} = CommonAPI.delete(activity.id, other_user)
activity_id = activity.id
assert_receive {:text, event}
assert %{"event" => "delete", "payload" => ^activity_id} = Jason.decode!(event)
test "works for deletions" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{status: "Test"})
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", user)
{:ok, _} = CommonAPI.delete(activity.id, other_user)
activity_id = activity.id
assert_receive {:text, event}
assert %{"event" => "delete", "payload" => ^activity_id} = Jason.decode!(event)
test "it sends to public unauthenticated" do
user = insert(:user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", nil)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "Test"})
activity_id = activity.id
assert_receive {:text, event}
assert %{"event" => "update", "payload" => payload} = Jason.decode!(event)
assert %{"id" => ^activity_id} = Jason.decode!(payload)
{:ok, _} = CommonAPI.delete(activity.id, user)
assert_receive {:text, event}
assert %{"event" => "delete", "payload" => ^activity_id} = Jason.decode!(event)
describe "thread_containment" do
describe "thread_containment/2" do
test "it filters to user if recipients invalid and thread containment is enabled" do
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :skip_thread_containment], false)
author = insert(:user)
user = insert(:user)
%{user: user, token: oauth_token} = oauth_access(["read"])
User.follow(user, author, :follow_accept)
activity =
@ -368,7 +453,7 @@ test "it filters to user if recipients invalid and thread containment is enabled
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", user, oauth_token)
Streamer.stream("public", activity)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, ^activity}
assert Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user, activity)
@ -377,7 +462,7 @@ test "it filters to user if recipients invalid and thread containment is enabled
test "it sends message if recipients invalid and thread containment is disabled" do
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :skip_thread_containment], true)
author = insert(:user)
user = insert(:user)
%{user: user, token: oauth_token} = oauth_access(["read"])
User.follow(user, author, :follow_accept)
activity =
@ -389,7 +474,7 @@ test "it sends message if recipients invalid and thread containment is disabled"
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", user, oauth_token)
Streamer.stream("public", activity)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, ^activity}
@ -400,6 +485,7 @@ test "it sends message if recipients invalid and thread containment is enabled b
Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :skip_thread_containment], false)
author = insert(:user)
user = insert(:user, skip_thread_containment: true)
%{token: oauth_token} = oauth_access(["read"], user: user)
User.follow(user, author, :follow_accept)
activity =
@ -411,7 +497,7 @@ test "it sends message if recipients invalid and thread containment is enabled b
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", user, oauth_token)
Streamer.stream("public", activity)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, ^activity}
@ -420,23 +506,26 @@ test "it sends message if recipients invalid and thread containment is enabled b
describe "blocks" do
test "it filters messages involving blocked users" do
user = insert(:user)
setup do: oauth_access(["read"])
test "it filters messages involving blocked users", %{user: user, token: oauth_token} do
blocked_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, _user_relationship} = User.block(user, blocked_user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", user, oauth_token)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(blocked_user, %{status: "Test"})
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, ^activity}
assert Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user, activity)
test "it filters messages transitively involving blocked users" do
blocker = insert(:user)
test "it filters messages transitively involving blocked users", %{
user: blocker,
token: blocker_token
} do
blockee = insert(:user)
friend = insert(:user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", blocker)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("public", blocker, blocker_token)
{:ok, _user_relationship} = User.block(blocker, blockee)
@ -458,8 +547,9 @@ test "it filters messages transitively involving blocked users" do
describe "lists" do
test "it doesn't send unwanted DMs to list" do
user_a = insert(:user)
setup do: oauth_access(["read"])
test "it doesn't send unwanted DMs to list", %{user: user_a, token: user_a_token} do
user_b = insert(:user)
user_c = insert(:user)
@ -468,7 +558,7 @@ test "it doesn't send unwanted DMs to list" do
{:ok, list} = List.create("Test", user_a)
{:ok, list} = List.follow(list, user_b)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("list", user_a, %{"list" => list.id})
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("list", user_a, user_a_token, %{"list" => list.id})
{:ok, _activity} =
CommonAPI.post(user_b, %{
@ -479,14 +569,13 @@ test "it doesn't send unwanted DMs to list" do
refute_receive _
test "it doesn't send unwanted private posts to list" do
user_a = insert(:user)
test "it doesn't send unwanted private posts to list", %{user: user_a, token: user_a_token} do
user_b = insert(:user)
{:ok, list} = List.create("Test", user_a)
{:ok, list} = List.follow(list, user_b)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("list", user_a, %{"list" => list.id})
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("list", user_a, user_a_token, %{"list" => list.id})
{:ok, _activity} =
CommonAPI.post(user_b, %{
@ -497,8 +586,7 @@ test "it doesn't send unwanted private posts to list" do
refute_receive _
test "it sends wanted private posts to list" do
user_a = insert(:user)
test "it sends wanted private posts to list", %{user: user_a, token: user_a_token} do
user_b = insert(:user)
{:ok, user_a} = User.follow(user_a, user_b)
@ -506,7 +594,7 @@ test "it sends wanted private posts to list" do
{:ok, list} = List.create("Test", user_a)
{:ok, list} = List.follow(list, user_b)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("list", user_a, %{"list" => list.id})
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("list", user_a, user_a_token, %{"list" => list.id})
{:ok, activity} =
CommonAPI.post(user_b, %{
@ -520,8 +608,9 @@ test "it sends wanted private posts to list" do
describe "muted reblogs" do
test "it filters muted reblogs" do
user1 = insert(:user)
setup do: oauth_access(["read"])
test "it filters muted reblogs", %{user: user1, token: user1_token} do
user2 = insert(:user)
user3 = insert(:user)
CommonAPI.follow(user1, user2)
@ -529,34 +618,38 @@ test "it filters muted reblogs" do
{:ok, create_activity} = CommonAPI.post(user3, %{status: "I'm kawen"})
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user1)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user1, user1_token)
{:ok, announce_activity} = CommonAPI.repeat(create_activity.id, user2)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, ^announce_activity}
assert Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user1, announce_activity)
test "it filters reblog notification for reblog-muted actors" do
user1 = insert(:user)
test "it filters reblog notification for reblog-muted actors", %{
user: user1,
token: user1_token
} do
user2 = insert(:user)
CommonAPI.follow(user1, user2)
CommonAPI.hide_reblogs(user1, user2)
{:ok, create_activity} = CommonAPI.post(user1, %{status: "I'm kawen"})
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user1)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user1, user1_token)
{:ok, _announce_activity} = CommonAPI.repeat(create_activity.id, user2)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, "notification.json", notif}
assert Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user1, notif)
test "it send non-reblog notification for reblog-muted actors" do
user1 = insert(:user)
test "it send non-reblog notification for reblog-muted actors", %{
user: user1,
token: user1_token
} do
user2 = insert(:user)
CommonAPI.follow(user1, user2)
CommonAPI.hide_reblogs(user1, user2)
{:ok, create_activity} = CommonAPI.post(user1, %{status: "I'm kawen"})
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user1)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user1, user1_token)
{:ok, _favorite_activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(user2, create_activity.id)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, "notification.json", notif}
@ -564,27 +657,28 @@ test "it send non-reblog notification for reblog-muted actors" do
test "it filters posts from muted threads" do
user = insert(:user)
user2 = insert(:user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user2)
{:ok, user2, user, _activity} = CommonAPI.follow(user2, user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "super hot take"})
{:ok, _} = CommonAPI.add_mute(user2, activity)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, ^activity}
assert Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user2, activity)
describe "muted threads" do
test "it filters posts from muted threads" do
user = insert(:user)
%{user: user2, token: user2_token} = oauth_access(["read"])
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("user", user2, user2_token)
{:ok, user2, user, _activity} = CommonAPI.follow(user2, user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "super hot take"})
{:ok, _} = CommonAPI.add_mute(user2, activity)
assert_receive {:render_with_user, _, _, ^activity}
assert Streamer.filtered_by_user?(user2, activity)
describe "direct streams" do
setup do
setup do: oauth_access(["read"])
test "it sends conversation update to the 'direct' stream", %{} do
user = insert(:user)
test "it sends conversation update to the 'direct' stream", %{user: user, token: oauth_token} do
another_user = insert(:user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("direct", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("direct", user, oauth_token)
{:ok, _create_activity} =
CommonAPI.post(another_user, %{
@ -602,11 +696,11 @@ test "it sends conversation update to the 'direct' stream", %{} do
assert last_status["pleroma"]["direct_conversation_id"] == participation.id
test "it doesn't send conversation update to the 'direct' stream when the last message in the conversation is deleted" do
user = insert(:user)
test "it doesn't send conversation update to the 'direct' stream when the last message in the conversation is deleted",
%{user: user, token: oauth_token} do
another_user = insert(:user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("direct", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("direct", user, oauth_token)
{:ok, create_activity} =
CommonAPI.post(another_user, %{
@ -629,10 +723,12 @@ test "it doesn't send conversation update to the 'direct' stream when the last m
refute_receive _
test "it sends conversation update to the 'direct' stream when a message is deleted" do
user = insert(:user)
test "it sends conversation update to the 'direct' stream when a message is deleted", %{
user: user,
token: oauth_token
} do
another_user = insert(:user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("direct", user)
Streamer.get_topic_and_add_socket("direct", user, oauth_token)
{:ok, create_activity} =
CommonAPI.post(another_user, %{