import PublicTimeline from 'components/public_timeline/public_timeline.vue' import PublicAndExternalTimeline from 'components/public_and_external_timeline/public_and_external_timeline.vue' import FriendsTimeline from 'components/friends_timeline/friends_timeline.vue' import TagTimeline from 'components/tag_timeline/tag_timeline.vue' import ConversationPage from 'components/conversation-page/conversation-page.vue' import Mentions from 'components/mentions/mentions.vue' import DMs from 'components/dm_timeline/dm_timeline.vue' import UserProfile from 'components/user_profile/user_profile.vue' import Settings from 'components/settings/settings.vue' import Registration from 'components/registration/registration.vue' import UserSettings from 'components/user_settings/user_settings.vue' import FollowRequests from 'components/follow_requests/follow_requests.vue' import OAuthCallback from 'components/oauth_callback/oauth_callback.vue' import UserSearch from 'components/user_search/user_search.vue' import Notifications from 'components/notifications/notifications.vue' import UserPanel from 'components/user_panel/user_panel.vue' import LoginForm from 'components/login_form/login_form.vue' import ChatPanel from 'components/chat_panel/chat_panel.vue' export default (store) => { return [ { name: 'root', path: '/', redirect: _to => { return (store.state.users.currentUser ? store.state.instance.redirectRootLogin : store.state.instance.redirectRootNoLogin) || '/~/main/all' } }, { name: 'public-external-timeline', path: '/~/main/all', component: PublicAndExternalTimeline }, { name: 'public-timeline', path: '/~/main/public', component: PublicTimeline }, { name: 'friends', path: '/~/main/friends', component: FriendsTimeline }, // Beginning of temporary redirects { path: '/main/:route', redirect: to => { const { params } = to const route = params.route ? params.route : 'all' return { path: `/~/main/${route}` } } }, { path: '/tag/:tag', redirect: to => { const { params } = to return { path: `/~/tag/${params.tag}` } } }, { path: '/notice/:id', redirect: to => { const { params } = to return { path: `/~/notice/${}` } } }, // End of temporary redirects { name: 'tag-timeline', path: '/~/tag/:tag', component: TagTimeline }, { name: 'conversation', path: '/~/notice/:id', component: ConversationPage, meta: { dontScroll: true } }, { name: 'user-profile', path: '/:name', component: UserProfile }, { name: 'external-user-profile', path: '/~/users/:id', component: UserProfile }, { name: 'mentions', path: '/:username/mentions', component: Mentions }, { name: 'dms', path: '/:username/dms', component: DMs }, { name: 'settings', path: '/~/settings', component: Settings }, { name: 'registration', path: '/~/registration', component: Registration }, { name: 'registration', path: '/~/registration/:token', component: Registration }, { name: 'friend-requests', path: '/~/friend-requests', component: FollowRequests }, { name: 'user-settings', path: '/~/user-settings', component: UserSettings }, { name: 'oauth-callback', path: '/~/oauth-callback', component: OAuthCallback, props: (route) => ({ code: route.query.code }) }, { name: 'user-search', path: '/~/user-search', component: UserSearch, props: (route) => ({ query: route.query.query }) }, { name: 'notifications', path: '/:username/notifications', component: Notifications }, { name: 'new-status', path: '/:username/new-status', component: UserPanel }, { name: 'login', path: '/~/login', component: LoginForm }, { name: 'chat', path: '/~/chat', component: ChatPanel, props: () => ({ floating: false }) } ] }